Posted by JT Forbus on Nov 11, 2020
On September 15, 2020, the Club thanked Past Club President and Past District Governor Eric Schmautz for securing the required signatures for a past global grant. On October 20, 2020, Past Club President John Mathers called for Rotarians to give generously to help the village in Vietnam that was part of our recent global grant. In both cases, the Grant referenced was the one authorized during Rotary year 2017-18 to support Roots of Peace in its efforts to replace minefields with peppercorn vines to spur the economy in Vietnam.
In true Rotarian spirit and the interest that every penny of our Rotary Foundation was spent wisely, all parties reviewed the Interim Report, asked questions to validate their understanding, and reviewed the back-up materials provided by Roots of Peace and others. While the Interim Report caused a delay, all parties were able to successfully work through the issues. We would like to acknowledge the hard work of the past and current Club presidents involved in this Grant.