Posted by Dora Dye on May 28, 2020
The Board of the Rotary Club of San Francisco met on April 28, 2020; a quorum was present. In addition to the Board, past president John Mathers was in attendance.

The Board reviewed the upcoming events in the Club as listed on today’s Board agenda. John Mathers would lead the May 5, 2020 e-meeting, because President Casey would be away. President Casey encouraged everyone to attend the First Five Rotary Clubs of the World e-meeting on May 7, 2020. The Club Assembly was scheduled for May 19, 2020.
The Board reviewed and approved the minutes for March 31, 2020 prepared by Dora. There were no comments or changes. 

Gary presented the Treasurer’s report. He discussed some write-offs and management of youth accounts. The Board discussed items on the accounts receivable report. The Board approved the Treasurer's report.
Dan presented a new corporate member, Nancy Graydon, and Billy Funkhouser for consideration of membership. The new corporate member would be the Glaucoma Research Foundation (GRF). Nancy Graydon would join Tom Brunner and Christopher Wiseman as three of the five members of GRF. The new individual member would be Billy Funkhouser. The Board approved both Nancy and Billy for membership; the Board also approved the Glaucoma Research Foundation as our newest corporate member.

Dan proposed a membership discount for emerging entrepreneurs caught in the current economic crisis brought on by COVID-19. The Board discussed how this discount would be implemented. 

Dan presented a list of members to be removed from our membership roster. 
Dora steered everyone to the District 5150 website where the annual club awards were now posted and asked everyone to calendar June 13, 2020 for the Awards Regatta.
President Casey polled the Board about inviting Rotary International President-elect Holger Knaack to speak at a future Club meeting.
John Mathers announced plans to seek funding and provide a speaker for an upcoming RCAT meeting.
President Casey asked for ideas to reach members (especially those uncomfortable with technology) and get them to participate in our weekly e-meetings via Zoom.
Kathryn talked about the plan for the upcoming $20 for 20 on May 5, 2020. Funds raised would be used to purchase meals from Blue Line Pizza. Blue Line would donate a meal for each one purchased. The plan was to donate the meals to The Salvation Army who are now feeding hundreds of people daily. The Blue Line Pizza idea came to our Club via president Allen Mueller of the Rotary Club of Danville.
This meeting was adjourned at 1:29 p.m.
The meeting was called to order again at 1:40 p.m. to vote on the membership discount for emerging entrepreneurs. A quorum was present.
The Board approved a membership discount to emerging entrepreneurs subject to some revisions of the eligibility requirements. The Board approved such a discount with one Board member abstaining.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:45 p.m.
The Board of Rotary Service, Inc. met on April 28, 2020; a quorum was present. Also in attendance were the following members of the Rotary Club of San Francisco:  Connor Krone, Lisa Christian, Tim Allen, and Steven Lindstrom.
Connor gave an update on the projects that were moved to a virtual platform:  GOAT, Bored Bread Heads, and Global Trauma Project in Kenya. Steven talked about baking bread with the students of Bored Bread Heads in Oakland. Michael, John Mathers, and Lisa Christian commented on their involvement with ALPS. Michael added that he was happy to help Connor with the reporting. Tim spoke on finding funding for ALPS going forward.
The Board then discussed the next steps for ALPS and approved a motion to end ALPS by May 31, 2020 due to the limitations caused by COVID-19.
The Board reviewed and approved the minutes for March 31, 2020 prepared by Dora. There were no comments or changes.
Gary presented the Treasurer’s report. There was a discussion of returning unspent funding to the Club Foundation. The Board approved the Treasurer's report.
This meeting was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
NOTE:  These highlights are from April 28, 2020 and were approved on May 26, 2020.