Posted by Dora Dye on Feb 25, 2020
The Board of the Rotary Club of San Francisco met on January 14, 2020; a quorum was present. In addition to the Board, Club members John Mathers, Susan Dean, and Connor Krone were in attendance. 
The Board reviewed the upcoming events in January and February 2020 in both the Club and the District; the Board also reviewed and approved the minutes for November 19, 2019 prepared by Dora.

Gary presented the Treasurer’s report. He went over the balance sheet highlights, the statement of operations highlights, and the attendance at Club luncheons. The Board approved the Treasurer's report. Gary also mentioned that he would be discussing outstanding membership dues with the Membership Committee.
A discussion followed about how to do check-in at luncheons in order to capture all those who attend.
The Board heard the following Committee Reports:
Membership:  Rhonda and her husband Bill Poppen were to lead the January 2020 Welcome the Club. The Board reviewed the membership application of Tim Allen and Dan Hollerbach and approved both candidates. The Board also considered and approved adding the category of Corporate Membership to the Club Bylaws. Dan agreed to draft the language to amend the Bylaws and present it at the Club Assembly in May 2020 for a vote.
International Service:  The Board got an update on World Wide Rotary Day. This year there would be a panel to discuss three of Rotary International’s pillars that benefit the climate: fighting disease; providing clean water, sanitation, and hygiene; and growing local economies.

Youth Leadership: Lynn and Connor discussed the ALPS report to be presented to the Club Foundation; the Board reviewed and commented on the report. The Board agreed to comply with the District’s "Guidelines for Rotarians When Working with Youth".
Paul Harris Update: The Board reviewed Frank Yoke's report on the number of Paul Harris Fellows in our Club. 
This meeting was adjourned at 1:33 p.m.
The Board of the Rotary Service, Inc. met on January 14, 2020; a quorum was present. In addition to the Board, Susan Dean and Connor Krone, both members of the Rotary Club of San Francisco, were in attendance.
The Board reviewed and approved the minutes for November 19, 2019 prepared by Dora.
The Board reviewed and approved the Treasurer’s report prepared by Gary.

Sacha gave an update on the India Water Project. Phase 1 took place in December 2019, and Phase 2 would occur in mid-February 2020.
This meeting was adjourned at 1:34 p.m.

NOTE:  These highlights are from January 14, 2020 and were approved on February 25, 2020.