Posted by Dora Dye on Jul 02, 2020
The Board of the Rotary Club of San Francisco met on May 26, 2020; a quorum was present. In addition to the Board, past president John Mathers was in attendance.

The Board reviewed the upcoming events in the Club as listed on today’s Board agenda. JT announced his plan to call a Zoom meeting for Club members over the age of 60 and hear their concerns and thoughts about reopening in-person meetings.
The Board reviewed the minutes for April 28, 2020 prepared by Dora and asked Dora to strike mention of a discussion that took place after the meeting had adjourned. The Board then approved these minutes as amended.

Gary presented the Treasurer’s report and discussed the highlights on the current Balance Sheet and the Statement of Operations. He then went on to the Accounts Receivable report to point out collection efforts for outstanding dues. The Board approved the Treasurer's report.
District Governor Sue Rokaw applied for transfer from the club she had belonged in to our Club effective in the 2020-2021 Rotary year. The Board approved Sue's application.

Dora reminded the Board that she had to reconcile our membership list with Rotary International on or before June 30, 2020.
This meeting was adjourned at 2:07 p.m.
The Board of Rotary Service, Inc. met on May 26, 2020; a quorum was present.
The Board reviewed and approved the minutes for April 28, 2020 prepared by Dora.
Gary presented the Treasurer’s report and discussed the highlights on the current Balance Sheet and the Statement of Activity.
After discussion, the Board agreed to leave a sum in the RYLA account to cover costs that were incurred despite the fact that the camp had been canceled in 2020 due to COVID-19 and to repurpose and move the balance of the RYLA account to Rotary Service, Inc.’s unrestricted fund to be used to fund or partially fund other designated projects.
The Board discussed the appropriate use of funds contributed from Rotary Service, Inc. to our Interact clubs and agreed to look into how best to manage the Interact custodial accounts.
Gary noted that the Interact program was operating in a surplus this year. As the Interact Scholarship Committee received several qualified applications this year, the desire was to award five scholarships rather than the four that had been funded with the $8,000 grant from the San Francisco Rotary Foundation. It was agreed that $2,000 of the surplus from the Interact program would be used to fund this additional scholarship.
The Board considered the list of grants recommended by the Grants Review Committee and agreed to vote in June 2020 after some adjustments had been made.
The one exception was the grant request to the SF Marin Food Bank in which there was a matching funds deadline of May 31, 2020. The Board approved this grant at today's meeting.
Lynn led a discussion on the June 1, 2020 deadline to apply for district designated funds for RYLA.
This meeting was adjourned at 2:10 p.m.
NOTE:  These highlights are from May 26, 2020 and were approved on June 30, 2020.