Contact: Dora Dye
San Francisco
via Zoom
United States of America

Calling all Rotary leaders and potential Rotary leaders! District 5150 presents its Basic Potential Rotary Leaders Seminars (PRLS), the first course in a series of courses designed by Rotarians to teach Rotarians skills and techniques as they prepare to assume leadership roles in their Clubs.

This seminar is virtual. The cost is $25, and our Club will reimburse this cost to you after you have completed the seminar.

If any Rotarian has already completed this seminar and wishes a review or to take this seminar again as a refresher course, there is NO charge. Interactors may also attend at no charge. Rotaractors should contact their sponsoring Rotary club about reimbursement.

For more information, download this flyer.

This is the registration link.  If you have questions, please contact PRLS Co-Director, Ivana Hubertova